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Connecting people
with the best
our land can offer

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Connecting people
with the best
our land can offer

Frutecon, Ecological Fruticulture of Northeast, specializes in production and distribution of tropical fruits (silver banana, papaya formosa, among others), located in Chapada Diamantina – Bahia and Vale do São Francisco – Pernambuco, also having a distribution center in Salvador – Bahia. Operating in the whole fruit production chain until the point of sale, ensuring the traceability and the real value of their breed for all involved in the process.


FRUTECON, Ecological Fruticulture of Northeast, specializes in production and distribution of tropical fruits (silver banana, papaya formosa, among others), located in Chapada Diamantina – Bahia and Vale do São Francisco – Pernambuco, also having a distribution center in Salvador – Bahia. Operating in the whole fruit production chain until the point of sale, ensuring the traceability and the real value of their breed for all involved in the process.



Fruits with

Value production

Value socio-


Fruits with


Value socio-

Frutecon is a company associated:

Frutecon is a company associated:

Captura de Tela 2024-08-20 à(s)

Our fruits

Own production

Partners affiliated

Our People

There are more than 5,000 qualified employees along our trajectory, always giving preference to hiring local labor, aiming at the development of the regions. Currently the company directly and indirectly impacts more than 300 families. We are a family owned and operated business.

We are proud to have employees who have followed the company’s history since its inception, dreaming together.

Our People

There are more than 5,000 qualified employees along our trajectory, always giving preference to hiring local labor, aiming at the development of the regions. Currently the company directly and indirectly impacts more than 300 families. We are a family owned and operated business.

We are proud to have employees who have followed the company’s history since its inception, dreaming together.


Aiming at guaranteeing superior quality fruits, we practice precision agriculture through the highest standards of procedures and cultural treatments in their cultivars, among which we highlight:

Planting of disease-free seedlings, developed in laboratories and nurseries approved by the Ministry of Agriculture, with all phytosanitary guarantees;

Selection of seedlings and plants over the production time, providing the formation of a unique genetics in flavor, nutritional value, standardization and durability;

Use of adequate, automated and updated irrigation systems with the highest current technology;

Careful harvesting, post-harvesting, selection, air conditioning, packaging and transport process, guaranteeing the protection of the fruit against mechanical damage and diseases.


Our product in the final sale point must reflect respect and seriousness during the entire production process, which has the consequence of greater shelf-life and flavor on the consumer’s table. We have a logistical and commercial structure prepared to guarantee the quality, differentiation and competitiveness to our customers. We have a team of trained sales promoters, so that together with other strategies of  the point of sale, we can leverage sales and systematize the exposure in the gondolas. In addition, our team in the management of minimizing losses and breakage of fruits.

The fruits produced and distributed by Frutecon are labeled with their own seal, which includes our logo and QR CODE. Our portfolio also has special lines to follow.

Peixonauta bananas are selected small-sized fruits of the dwarf silver variety. They are very tasty and easy to digest, making them the perfect choice for those who want a practical snack for everyday use and ideal for consumption at all ages.

Peixonauta (R) Pinguim Content

While the mother brand Frutecon aims to connect people with the best of the land, Arcoverde – Origin fruits in a complementary way, has as its vision to make people more aware of their consumption habits and lifestyle. This brand packs special bananas that meet a standard of unique visual specification and flavor, coupled with the guarantee of freshness, food safety, traceability and sustainability.

In addition to the product itself, we offer our customers retailers of the Arcoverde line – Origin fruits, a customized trade marketing service with promotional actions and thematic exhibitors, promoting an experience for consumers at the point of sale.

Peixonauta bananas are selected small-sized fruits of the dwarf silver variety. They are very tasty and easy to digest, making them the perfect choice for those who want a practical snack for everyday use and ideal for consumption at all ages.

Peixonauta (R) Pinguim Content

While the mother brand Frutecon aims to connect people with the best of the land, Arcoverde – Origin fruits in a complementary way, has as its vision to make people more aware of their consumption habits and lifestyle. This brand packs special bananas that meet a standard of unique visual specification and flavor, coupled with the guarantee of freshness, food safety, traceability and sustainability.


In addition to the product itself, we offer our customers retailers of the Arcoverde line – Origin fruits, a customized trade marketing service with promotional actions and thematic exhibitors, promoting an experience for consumers at the point of sale.

We are certified in the WQS 3P program, which establishes a standard for food safety and good practices in primary production and packing house. This certification goes through the regular analysis of water, soil, plants, fruits, agronomic prescriptions, management control, formalization of labor.

Since 2018, we have implemented an internal traceability program that guarantees the traceability of each production step until delivery to retail. Our fruits are delivered with Paripassu program traceability labels, containing information from the field notebook, lot, date of production, packaging and validity.

Sales and distribution channels

Our Contents


Affiliated partners

Ponkan Tangerine

Ponkan Tangerine is a seasonal fruit. It presents large fruits, easy to peel and with buds that also separate easily. It has a very pleasant taste and has little acidity. Ingesting your bagasse helps to stimulate the intestine as it is rich in fiber.

Affiliated partners

Ponkan Tangerine

Ponkan Tangerine is a seasonal fruit. It presents large fruits, easy to peel and with buds that also separate easily. It has a very pleasant taste and has little acidity. Ingesting your bagasse helps to stimulate the intestine as it is rich in fiber.

Affiliated Partners

Own production

Silver banana

The silver banana is one of the most consumed in Brazil. Its consistency is firm and therefore has greater durability. It is great to consume fresh, but can also be used for sweets or for frying.

Affiliated Partners

Own production

Silver banana

The silver banana is one of the most consumed in Brazil. Its consistency is firm and therefore has greater durability. It is great to consume fresh, but can also be used for sweets or for frying.

Affiliated partners

Own production

Cavendish Banana

Banana Cavendish In Brazil also called Nanica. It has a thin, greenish-yellow skin, even when it is ripe. Its pulp is very sweet, soft and has a pleasant aroma. Excellent for fresh or cooked / roasted consumption. Rich in potassium and vitamins B1 and B5. 

Affiliated partners

Own production

Cavendish Banana

Banana Cavendish In Brazil also called Nanica. It has a thin, greenish-yellow skin, even when it is ripe. Its pulp is very sweet, soft and has a pleasant aroma. Excellent for fresh or cooked / roasted consumption. Rich in potassium and vitamins B1 and B5. 

Affiliated partners

Own production

Formosa Papaya

In addition to the delicious taste, there are a number of benefits of papaya formosa for the health of those who consume it. The fruit is a rich source of vitamin A, B vitamins and vitamin C. In addition, it is also excellent for intestinal transit. It is consumed ripe or green (salads), its seeds are also edible, rich in fats and proteins.

Affiliated partners

Own production

Formosa Papaya

In addition to the delicious taste, there are a number of benefits of papaya formosa for the health of those who consume it. The fruit is a rich source of vitamin A, B vitamins and vitamin C. In addition, it is also excellent for intestinal transit. It is consumed ripe or green (salads), its seeds are also edible, rich in fats and proteins.

Partners affiliated

Plantain  -  Banana da Terra


Plantains have a high concentration of starch and therefore are indigestible in natura, being eaten boiled, roasted or fried. This variety is rich in vitamin A and C, being very beneficial for bones and lowering blood pressure.

Partners affiliated

Plantain  -  Banana da Terra


Plantains have a high concentration of starch and therefore are indigestible in natura, being eaten boiled, roasted or fried. This variety is rich in vitamin A and C, being very beneficial for bones and lowering blood pressure.

Affiliated partners

Sour Passion Fruit


Passion fruit has benefits that help in the treatment of various diseases, such as anxiety, depression or hyperactivity, and in the treatment of sleep problems, nervousness, agitation, high blood pressure or restlessness. In addition, it can also be used to lose weight and to fight aging, as it is full of antioxidants such as vitamins A and C.

Affiliated partners

Sour Passion Fruit


Passion fruit has benefits that help in the treatment of various diseases, such as anxiety, depression or hyperactivity, and in the treatment of sleep problems, nervousness, agitation, high blood pressure or restlessness. In addition, it can also be used to lose weight and to fight aging, as it is full of antioxidants such as vitamins A and C.

Partners affiliated

Tahiti lemon


The acid lime ‘Tahiti’, also called lemon ‘Tahiti’, is a fruit of tropical origin. In addition to being a powerful source of vitamin C, lemons are also given several healing powers, including acting as a natural antibiotic and regulating the body’s cholesterol levels. It also contains a substance called “limonemo” that fights free radicals, helps maintain collagen, hemoglobin and acts as an antiseptic. 

Partners affiliated

Tahiti lemon


The acid lime ‘Tahiti’, also called lemon ‘Tahiti’, is a fruit of tropical origin. In addition to being a powerful source of vitamin C, lemons are also given several healing powers, including acting as a natural antibiotic and regulating the body’s cholesterol levels. It also contains a substance called “limonemo” that fights free radicals, helps maintain collagen, hemoglobin and acts as an antiseptic. 

Affiliated partners

Palmer Mango


The origin of the palmer mango is Asian, however, the tropical and subtropical climates of Brazil allow it to have a good development and production. The sweet taste of the palmer mango and the soft fleshy fruit make this fruit one of the most delicious. It is a source of minerals and vitamins, which are important for the functioning of the body. These nutrients help in muscle performance, digestion and cellular respiration, as well as mango is one of the main sources of sugars.

Affiliated partners

Palmer Mango


The origin of the palmer mango is Asian, however, the tropical and subtropical climates of Brazil allow it to have a good development and production. The sweet taste of the palmer mango and the soft fleshy fruit make this fruit one of the most delicious. It is a source of minerals and vitamins, which are important for the functioning of the body. These nutrients help in muscle performance, digestion and cellular respiration, as well as mango is one of the main sources of sugars.

Affiliated partners

Apple Banana


Some say it tastes like apple, others say that the name is due to the pinkish color of the pulp, but what matters is that they are great for babies and the elderly, as they are easier to digest. The banana-apple is great to be eaten fresh.

Affiliated partners

Apple Banana

Some say it tastes like apple, others say that the name is due to the pinkish color of the pulp, but what matters is that they are great for babies and the elderly, as they are easier to digest. The banana-apple is great to be eaten fresh.